Human engineering isn't science fiction. The human body is one of nature’s engineering marvels. Here are the top 10 ways humans are currently being engineered.
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Be Amazed at these human engineering feats! CRISPR - About a decade ago, scientists discovered a naturally occurring agent present among all living things. Designer babies simulator - The free manipulation of genes in future childbirths has been one of the known end games for human biological engineering. 3-Parent Babies - If in-vitro fertilization plus CRISPR isn’t your preferred type of natural gene splicing, then perhaps getting your kid to have three parents might just give that needed zing to your family’s gene pool. Techniques to Eliminate Hereditary Diseases - Touching more on the discussion of undesirable future illnesses, there are also other methods of human biological engineering that tackle this problem, other than what we have already mentioned.
Making Living Tattoos - If you want a simpler method of human engineering, perhaps you might be interested in tattoos. Manufacturing Organs - Human engineering could one day be as easy as replacing car parts, or modifying your PC. HeLa Cells - While organ manufacturing and the in-vitro meat concepts are generally struggling due to slow and limited growth rates of cells for such purposes today, there is one type of cell that is actually optimized to just keep on multiplying forever. Animal Organ Transplants - Yes, this may sound even freakier than HeLa cells, but we’re not actually referring to a real-life Frankenstein made of animal internal organs. Cow-Human Hybrid - No, we’re not about to engineer human genes to create a real-life minotaur. Head Transplants - If this human engineering procedure sounds totally Frankenstein-level to you, well, it actually gets much worse.
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For copyright queries or general inquiries please get in touch: [email protected]
Be Amazed at these human engineering feats! CRISPR - About a decade ago, scientists discovered a naturally occurring agent present among all living things. Designer babies simulator - The free manipulation of genes in future childbirths has been one of the known end games for human biological engineering. 3-Parent Babies - If in-vitro fertilization plus CRISPR isn’t your preferred type of natural gene splicing, then perhaps getting your kid to have three parents might just give that needed zing to your family’s gene pool. Techniques to Eliminate Hereditary Diseases - Touching more on the discussion of undesirable future illnesses, there are also other methods of human biological engineering that tackle this problem, other than what we have already mentioned.
Making Living Tattoos - If you want a simpler method of human engineering, perhaps you might be interested in tattoos. Manufacturing Organs - Human engineering could one day be as easy as replacing car parts, or modifying your PC. HeLa Cells - While organ manufacturing and the in-vitro meat concepts are generally struggling due to slow and limited growth rates of cells for such purposes today, there is one type of cell that is actually optimized to just keep on multiplying forever. Animal Organ Transplants - Yes, this may sound even freakier than HeLa cells, but we’re not actually referring to a real-life Frankenstein made of animal internal organs. Cow-Human Hybrid - No, we’re not about to engineer human genes to create a real-life minotaur. Head Transplants - If this human engineering procedure sounds totally Frankenstein-level to you, well, it actually gets much worse.
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