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Top 10 Things You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They're Made

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Many products, from foods to everyday things, are made in shocking, gross, or just plain appalling ways. To Find out what you might want to avoid keep watching as I reveal the Top 10 Everyday Things You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They're Made.
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Be Amazed at these Top 10 Things You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They're Made! Cheese, Especially Parmesan - I once had to change my pants after spilling parmesan cheese on them—not because of the stain, but because they ended up smelling like vomit. Beetles in red candy and more - Candy comes in so many fun colors, from jelly beans to licorice and gum. But surely candy is harmless, right? Well, except for all the sugar? But the gross secret is that some of your favorite blood-red candies are dyed with a substance called carmine. Lead in some lipsticks - Lips feeling a little too heavy? The idea of lead in lipstick used to be an urban legend many people scoffed at. Whale Vomit in Fancy Perfume - Ambergris sounds like a fancy drink you might have at a swanky cocktail party, and in fact, it is associated with something expensive—it's often found in high-end perfumes. Human Foreskin in Wrinkle Cream - While we're talking about disgustingly expensive beauty products, this next one also has a really stiff price—$150 an ounce—possibly because it contains human foreskin .

Beers, Fish bladders and arsenic - As delicious as a nice cold beer is, there are a few gross facts about how they're made. For one thing, many brands use fish bladders, or isinglass, to filter the brew. Chocolate and coffee by enslaved people - Like many people, I enjoy a nice chocolate bar and a good cup of coffee . Unfortunately, both are now leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Duck feathers in McDonald's Baked Apple Pies - Well, if I'm going to give up chocolate and coffee, I guess I'll go to McDonald's for a nice baked apple pie. Wait, not so fast. Are none of my favorite treats safe? Conflict diamonds - Diamond rings are a symbol of love, but how these sparkly gems are sourced may put you off them all together. Around the turn of the century, there were many news reports about “conflict diamonds,”; gems mined in war zones, often by forced laborers toiling under terrible conditions. Silk made from worm secretions - Okay, I've given up my diamonds, what other products can I still enjoy? Not silk, as it turns out. The soft, supple fabric is produced by silkworms , a type of caterpillar.
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