Some people get rich through hard work and extreme talent. You could also rob a bank. Or, you could get really lucky, like the people we’re about to meet here. Here are our Top 10 luckiest discoveries that made people rich.
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Be Amazed at these Top 10 luckiest discoveries that made people rich! The wall of coins - In Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, the walls are made of candy. In this house in Windber, Pennsylvania, the walls were made of money. Things dug up in Australia - If you’re watching in Australia, it may be worth investing in a metal detector and a shovel, because you can find some seriously valuable stuff underground down under. The Third Imperial Egg - An anonymous man in the Midwest of the US was scraping a modest living buying metal objects and selling them for scrap.
Mo’ money mo' problems - This is a story of how greed can cause a large fortune to turn into a small fortune pretty quickly. It’s also another story of a wall full of money. 1974 D-Penny - When he died, a Denver Mint employee left his son Randy a small coin collection. Rare paintings - What’s in your attic? Mine’s full of a load of junk. So was the attic of Norwegian businessman Christian Nicolai Mustad, or so he thought. Action Comics #1 - What is it about walls? So far we’ve found coins and treasure chests hidden in walls. A hoard, not a hammer - You know what it’s like when you can’t find something? The Declaration of Independence - In 1989, a man in Pennsylvania bought a painting at a garage sale for $4. He hated the painting, but liked the frame, so removed the picture to put a new one inside. Coke shares - Do you go to garage sales? After you hear this story, you might want to go more often. In 2008 , California man Tony Marohn paid $5 for a box stuffed with random documents.
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Be Amazed at these Top 10 luckiest discoveries that made people rich! The wall of coins - In Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, the walls are made of candy. In this house in Windber, Pennsylvania, the walls were made of money. Things dug up in Australia - If you’re watching in Australia, it may be worth investing in a metal detector and a shovel, because you can find some seriously valuable stuff underground down under. The Third Imperial Egg - An anonymous man in the Midwest of the US was scraping a modest living buying metal objects and selling them for scrap.
Mo’ money mo' problems - This is a story of how greed can cause a large fortune to turn into a small fortune pretty quickly. It’s also another story of a wall full of money. 1974 D-Penny - When he died, a Denver Mint employee left his son Randy a small coin collection. Rare paintings - What’s in your attic? Mine’s full of a load of junk. So was the attic of Norwegian businessman Christian Nicolai Mustad, or so he thought. Action Comics #1 - What is it about walls? So far we’ve found coins and treasure chests hidden in walls. A hoard, not a hammer - You know what it’s like when you can’t find something? The Declaration of Independence - In 1989, a man in Pennsylvania bought a painting at a garage sale for $4. He hated the painting, but liked the frame, so removed the picture to put a new one inside. Coke shares - Do you go to garage sales? After you hear this story, you might want to go more often. In 2008 , California man Tony Marohn paid $5 for a box stuffed with random documents.
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