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TOO or ENOUGH?! How to Use Too and Enough: Too vs Enough! TOOまたはENOUGH TooとEnoughの使用方法 Too vs Enough

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I’m TOO lazy to study English, I don’t have ENOUGH energy to learn English Grammar… Do you know the differences between the commonly confused words TOO and ENOUGH? In today’s English grammar lesson you will learn how to use too and enough to improve your English skills!

The main difference between too and enough is that too is used for negative situations while enough is used for positive situations. Enough means that something is suitable and adequate. Too means that something is excessive or unsuitable.

How is Enough used in English:
1. Enough + Noun : I have enough money
2. Adjective + Enough : It’s warm enough to wear a T-shirt
3. Adverb + Enough : She spoke English slowly enough for us

How is Too used in English:
1. Too + Adjective : He’s too young to drink alcohol
2. Too + Adverb : You’re driving too fast
3. Too + Many + Countable Noun : There’s too many people here
4. Too + Much + Uncountable Noun : This food has too much salt

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned how to use too and how to use enough in English. You will know when to choose too or enough when speaking English. Too vs Enough! Understanding the differences between too and enough will help you to improve your English speaking and fluency in English conversations. Thank you for watching, “TOO or ENOUGH?! How to Use Too and Enough: Too vs Enough!” I hope this English grammar lesson will be useful for you as you enjoy discussing the quantity of things in English! Good luck with your English studies!

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By vs With: https://youtu.be/MxAFWPXGaow

Hard vs Hardly: https://youtu.be/PoU2Imk8Ty0

Good vs Well: https://youtu.be/amPDs8EaJ-c

Fun vs Funny: https://youtu.be/PL91ZSs9Zx8

So vs Neither: https://youtu.be/mqttSDGv8Qo

⭐️ Try Grammarly for free to help with English writing: https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH2Ue

???? Best English Grammar Textbook for Beginners: https://amzn.to/2Gb0ylz

TOOまたはENOUGH ?! TooとEnoughの使用方法:Too vs Enough!

I’m TOO lazy to study English, I don’t have ENOUGH energy to learn English Grammar…よく混同される単語TOOとENOUGHの違いを知っていますか?今日の英文法の授業では、英語のスキルを向上させるための使い方も十分に学びます。

tooとsoughの主な違いは、tooはネガティブな状況で使われ、enough はポジティブな状況に使われる事です。enough とは、何かが適切で十分であることを意味します。 Tooは、何かが過剰または不適切であることを意味します。

1. Enough + 名詞 : I have enough money
2. 形容詞+ Enough : It’s warm enough to wear a T-shirt
3. 副詞+ Enough : She spoke English slowly enough for us

1. Too + 形容詞 : He’s too young to drink alcohol
2. Too + 副詞: You’re driving too fast
3. Too + Many + 可算名詞: There’s too many people here
4. Too + Much + 不可算名詞: This food has too much salt

今日の英語の授業の終わりまでに、あなたは英語でのtooとenoughの使い方を学びます。あなたが、英語を話すときにtooまたはenough をいつ選ぶべばよいか理解する事でしょう。Too vs Enough! too とenough の違いを理解することは、英語を話すことと英会話の流暢さを向上させるのに役立ちます。

“TOOまたはENOUGH ?! TooとEnoughの使用方法:Too vs Enough!”の動画を見てくださりありがとうございます。


初心者レベルの方は、ここをクリック : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

By vs With: https://youtu.be/MxAFWPXGaow

Hard vs Hardly: https://youtu.be/PoU2Imk8Ty0

Good vs Well: https://youtu.be/amPDs8EaJ-c

Fun vs Funny: https://youtu.be/PL91ZSs9Zx8

So vs Neither: https://youtu.be/mqttSDGv8Qo

⭐️ Grammarlyを無料で試して、英語で書く事に役立てて下さい。
: https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH2Ue


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English, 英語, Too
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