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Tinariwen's Cler Achel | Playing For Change

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http://playingforchange.com - It was a hot day as usual in Bamako, Mali when the PFC crew met Tinriwen, a group of Tuareg blues musicians, in front of a downtown club. We walked around the neighborhood together, looking for a good place to film and record. Luck was with us and we soon found a nearby yard with a large tree for shade. The next thing we knew the music started playing, children gathered for their own personal concert, and we all transcended to a place with no time, no fear, and no difference between us.Sign up at http://playingforchange.com for updates and exclusive content. You can also buy cool stuff in our new online store! Join the movement to help inspire people from around the world to come together through music.To purchase the new album, "PFC2: Songs Around The World", visit the PFC marketplace at http://www.playingforchange.com/marketplace2/ or Amazon.com at http://amzn.to/PFCsatw2.
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