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The Economics Of Jersey Shore | Learn Liberty

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► Inspired by Snooki? Watch more LL videos here:http://www.youtube.com/learnlibertyWhat could the denizens of “Jersey Shore” possibly know about economics? In a word: plenty; at least according to Professor Dan D’Amico of Loyola University in New Orleans. Let Professor D’Amico show you how Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino and Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi display a keener grasp of basic fundamental economic concepts than you might think – like the Law of Diminishing Returns, scarcity, opportunity costs, and the role of self-interest in the economics of public choice as it applies to dating, packed dance floors, fist pumping, and tanning. We bet you never thought getting “fresh to death” would teach you so much about economic theory. Sit back, relax, and welcome to the shore, baby!► Learn more:"The Economics of Seinfeld" (videos): The site shows clips from the classic sitcom selected for demonstrating economic concepts.http://bit.ly/1yQEQ7TDirkMateer.com (videos): An economics professor explains economics using pop culture.http://bit.ly/1yQF133"A Virtual Weimar: Hyperinflation in a Video Game World" (article): Peter C. Earle discusses how a video game, Diablo 3, can illustrate the key concepts economists use in discussing extraordinary bouts of inflation.http://bit.ly/1yQFC4Z► http://LearnLiberty.org► http://twitter.com/LearnLiberty► http://google.com/+LearnLiberty► http://facebook.com/LearnLiberty► http://youtube.com/user/LearnLiberty
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