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The Creepiest Things Cults Said

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Is a sense of belonging worth giving up your life for? How about placing yourself in isolation from your family and friends, facing crippling debt, and being encouraged to commit heinous crimes? There’s a lot of reasons someone might be compelled to join a cult, but many times, cult members don’t make it out alive, and that’s thanks to their oppressive, controlling leaders.

Life inside a cult is shrouded in secrecy, usually until an ex-member makes it out alive to tell the tale, but their leaders are usually pretty vocal about their extremist goals. Here are some of the creepiest things cults have said.

#Cult #TomCruise #Creepy

Church Universal And Triumphant | 0:00
Jonestown | 1:27
Tom Cruise & Scientology | 3:05
Heaven's Gate | 4:22
Aum Shinrikyo | 5:25
Children Of God | 6:31
Rajneeshpuram | 7:36
Charles Manson And The Family | 8:51
Flds And Warren Jeffs | 9:51
Rod Ferrell And The Vampire Clan | 10:37

Read full article: https://www.grunge.com/673711/the-creepiest-things-cults-said-in-public/
grunge, tom cruise, scientology
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