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State of Health in the EU

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Life expectancy now exceeds 80 years in most EU countries reveals "Health at a Glance: Europe 2016", a European Commission/OECD joint report, published on 23 November 2016. However, this record-high life expectancy is not always matched by healthy life years. Around 50 million people in the EU suffer from several chronic diseases, and more than half a million people of working age die from them every year, representing an annual cost of some 115 billion EUR for EU economies. The report is a first step in the Commission's "State of Health in the EU" cycle, which aims to support Member States in their efforts towards better knowledge and stronger evidence-based policy making. This video summarises the main findings of the report and explains the next steps in the "State of Health in the EU" cycle.

For more: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-3749_en.htm
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