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SPYiNG on our SiSTER! Did she invite BOYS?

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Spying on our Sister! Did she invite boys?

In this week's vlog Taylor invites a bunch of friends over to the SOTY shack. Payton and Jordyn suspect that she invites some boys over so they decide to spy on their sister Taylor. They sneak into the SOTY shack and secretly film Taylor and the boys.

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Check out the SOTY Family's newest video - Stephen CONTROLS Our DAY! We CAN'T SAY NO for 24 HOURS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bj44oxCW0U&pp=ygULc290eSBmYW1pbHk%3D

Don't Forget to watch our Previous Video - MAKiNG My KiDS Get SUMMER JOBS! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRwi7vJEiAY&pp=ygULc290eSBmYW1pbHk%3D

Jordan Matter has a fun new video! @jordanmatter - GUESS THE MOM *Emotional* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaG2kVerpD8&pp=ygUNam9yZGFuIG1hdHRlcg%3D%3D

Watch our friend's The Ohana Adventure! @theohanaadventure - VIRAL FOOD CHALLENGE! Last to Stop EATING wins! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46Oe4dMqssM

Check out FUN SQUAD FAMILY! @FunSquadFamily - Barely SURVIVED the Most DANGEROUS Jump! Scariest Challenge! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnhmJbMyB6U&pp=ygUQZnVuIHNxdWFkIGZhbWlseQ%3D%3D

We LOVE Anazala Vlogs new video @anazalaVlogs - Finding out if My Son Needs Glasses! *emotional* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXKzB0Qmw_w&pp=ygUOYW5hemFsYSBmYW1pbHk%3D

Our FUN SOTY YouTube Channels:
SOTY Family: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYFamily
SOTY Animations: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYANIMATION
Stephen Yeager: https://www.youtube.com/@StephenYeager
Taylor Kaylynn: https://www.youtube.com/@TaylorKaylynn
Just 4 Girls: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYSISTERS
SOTY Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SOTYGaming
The SOTY Show: https://www.youtube.com/@TheSOTYShow
Stephen Yeager Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTPSp15Kmwe0G4ssEROBuA

Website: https://www.shotoftheyeagers.com/

SOTY social media:
SOTY Social Media
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesotyfam
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sotystephen
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@j4gsotysisters
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Shot_of_the_yeagers/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephen_m_yeager/

Business email: [email protected]
Fan email: [email protected]
Check out our SOTY MERCH - https://soty-3.creator-spring.com/

Etsy J4G Sticker Shop - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Just4GirlsDesign

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shot of the yeagers, soty family, the soty fam
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