Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles and enjoy a set of riddles that made my brain work! If you love solving riddles then you're welcome to try out these cool brain teasers. Some of them will be super easy and some of them will make you do some hard thinking ;) These puzzles will work out your brain and help you stay concentrated during the day. Start your day productively and enjoy these brain games!
00:00 - Here is the first tricky puzzle to warm up your logic! Lenny is serving a life sentence on his first day, a guard came up to him with a riddle: If you solve my riddle, I'll help you run away! Here is the porridge you'll have to eat every day for your entire life. Try it! Now you have to answer! What is missing in this porridge?
01:04 - Let's test your attentiveness with a portion of fun visual puzzles! Who escaped from the prison?
02:12 - Test your attentiveness and critical thinking! One day a dangerous criminal escaped from prison. The guards followed him and almost caught but the criminal snuck into a hospital and pretended to be one of the doctors. The guards ran into the emergency room and spotted the criminal right away. Can you find the criminal?
03:01 - Now let's check your survival skills! George and Stephen were sentenced to death. They urgently need to get out of prison. Two criminals quickly came up with a plan! There is one window in the cell. It's so high that no one of them can reach it. The tallest man's climbed on the other one's shoulders, but there're still a few inches to the window. What should they do to reach the window?
04:13 - Another tricky puzzle that will boost your mind! A dangerous criminal escaped from prison. She sneaked into a large store. Before the police got there, the criminal had changed her clothes and put on a wig. Who is the escaped prisoner?
04:53 - Here is a crime riddle to test your detective skills! A policeman was chasing a robber. The criminal managed to outrun him and snuck into a circus. The policeman entered the circus and saw four people in the hall. Who is the robber?
06:01 - Another logic riddles for the smartest detectives! It was a freezing winter morning. A dangerous criminal escaped from prison. A squad of police ran after him. Soon they found a wet prison jumpsuit by a lake. The ice on the lake was broken. Policeman: We've lost his trail! Detective: He couldn't go far. I bet he is in that hut!
Why did he think so?
07:09 - Another set of visual brain boosters! Who escaped from the prison?
08:43 - Improve your logical skills with the next cool brain game! Which option should they choose?
10:15 - Now you have to think outside the box and make a difficult choice before the time is up! Which door should John choose?
11:46 - If you love solving visual puzzles and test your attentiveness, here is more! Who escaped from the prison?
12:56 - This hard brain teaser will make you think twice! Who is the best friend and who is the accomplice?
14:03 - The last tricky question to boost your brain to the max! Who escaped the prison? Share your answer in the comments!
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS what kind of riddles do you like most of all!
#brainworkout #logicriddles #visualpuzzles
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Music: Youtube Library
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00:00 - Here is the first tricky puzzle to warm up your logic! Lenny is serving a life sentence on his first day, a guard came up to him with a riddle: If you solve my riddle, I'll help you run away! Here is the porridge you'll have to eat every day for your entire life. Try it! Now you have to answer! What is missing in this porridge?
01:04 - Let's test your attentiveness with a portion of fun visual puzzles! Who escaped from the prison?
02:12 - Test your attentiveness and critical thinking! One day a dangerous criminal escaped from prison. The guards followed him and almost caught but the criminal snuck into a hospital and pretended to be one of the doctors. The guards ran into the emergency room and spotted the criminal right away. Can you find the criminal?
03:01 - Now let's check your survival skills! George and Stephen were sentenced to death. They urgently need to get out of prison. Two criminals quickly came up with a plan! There is one window in the cell. It's so high that no one of them can reach it. The tallest man's climbed on the other one's shoulders, but there're still a few inches to the window. What should they do to reach the window?
04:13 - Another tricky puzzle that will boost your mind! A dangerous criminal escaped from prison. She sneaked into a large store. Before the police got there, the criminal had changed her clothes and put on a wig. Who is the escaped prisoner?
04:53 - Here is a crime riddle to test your detective skills! A policeman was chasing a robber. The criminal managed to outrun him and snuck into a circus. The policeman entered the circus and saw four people in the hall. Who is the robber?
06:01 - Another logic riddles for the smartest detectives! It was a freezing winter morning. A dangerous criminal escaped from prison. A squad of police ran after him. Soon they found a wet prison jumpsuit by a lake. The ice on the lake was broken. Policeman: We've lost his trail! Detective: He couldn't go far. I bet he is in that hut!
Why did he think so?
07:09 - Another set of visual brain boosters! Who escaped from the prison?
08:43 - Improve your logical skills with the next cool brain game! Which option should they choose?
10:15 - Now you have to think outside the box and make a difficult choice before the time is up! Which door should John choose?
11:46 - If you love solving visual puzzles and test your attentiveness, here is more! Who escaped from the prison?
12:56 - This hard brain teaser will make you think twice! Who is the best friend and who is the accomplice?
14:03 - The last tricky question to boost your brain to the max! Who escaped the prison? Share your answer in the comments!
TELL me IN THE COMMENTS what kind of riddles do you like most of all!
#brainworkout #logicriddles #visualpuzzles
Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles:
Music: Epidemic Sound
Music: Youtube Library
Stock materials (photos, footages and other):
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