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Rand Paul Says Cheney Pushed Iraq War For Halliburton Profit

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*Last week, continuing the sometimes catty intraparty feud between Republican hawks and GOPers skeptical of foreign intervention, former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). But Paul is not likely to be fazed by criticism from Cheney, for several years ago the Kentucky senator was pushing the conspiratorial notion that the former VP exploited the horrific 9/11 attacks to lead the nation into war in Iraq in order to benefit Halliburton, the enormous military contractor where Cheney had once been CEO...* John Iadarola (host of TYT University, and Common Room), Jayar Jackson (TYT producer), and Desi Doyen (host, Green News Report), and Steve Oh (TYT COO) break it down on The Young Turks.

*Watch the full video and read more here from David Corn at Mother Jones:
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