In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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Minds and Markets: Paul Craven at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2014
by Danielle 395 Views -
Performance: UnityxUTSC at TEDxUTSC
by Danielle 262 Views -
Creating new spaces for the next generation: Jung Sue Hyun at TEDxNayabashi 2014
by Danielle 277 Views -
Don't Get Swept Away - People Behaving Badly
by Danielle 469 Views -
FSB Racing Team: Daria Arežina at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 396 Views -
Spiritual Teachings: Radhanath Swami at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2014
by Danielle 292 Views -
Lethal Injection Gone Wrong Halts Death Penalty In Oklahoma
by Danielle 356 Views -
All the answers are in history: Zero Mori at TEDxNayabashi 2014
by Danielle 277 Views -
Znanost je igra -- zašto ju onda uskraćujemo djeci?: Marko Košiček at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 232 Views -
Uzmi Greyp bilo kada: Mate Rimac at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 263 Views -
Inovacije.Motivacije.Komplikacije.: Ivan Jakobović at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 253 Views -
Život kao znanstveni centar: Davor Komerički at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 244 Views -
Paški ris i los kao metafora: Davor Žagar at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 222 Views -
Pimp my Pump project ili priča o ljudima i pumpama: Boris Bare at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 263 Views -
Vođenjem startupa do ostvarenja vizije: Ana Burica i Josipa Majić at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 215 Views -
What's In Taco Bell Meat?
by Danielle 396 Views -
O igračkama i kako do novih proizvoda: Marko Pavlović at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 277 Views -
Performance: Randell Adjei at TEDxUTSC
by Danielle 283 Views -
Od Apsurdistana do Startupistana: Saša Cvetojević at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 230 Views -
Kako osjetiti puls metropole ?: Bojan Pečnik at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 238 Views -
Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary: Adrian Westaway at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2014
by Danielle 317 Views -
Hrana, a ne beton!: Gordana Dragičević at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 208 Views -
Moje kuće od drveta i slame: Marina Zajec at TEDxMaksimir
by Danielle 226 Views -
Brands on the brain: Amelia Torode at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2014
by Danielle 366 Views
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