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Playful Palindromes: What are Palindromes and English Palindrome Examples! / お茶目な回文:回文とは何か。英語回文の例!

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Wow! What do the words Racecar, Kayak, and Mom have in common? They are all examples of palindromes! Yay! In today’s English lesson you will learn all about these palindromic brainteasers. This lesson will discuss what a palindrome is and give many examples of palindromes in English.

What is a Palindrome?: Palindromes are words spelled the same forwards and backwards. Palindromes can be a word, phrase, or number that reads the same backwards as it does forwards. If you look at the word ‘level’, you can see that the spelling is the same in both directions. Single word palindrome examples from this English lesson include: Racecar, Kayak, Mom, Dad, Level, Eye, Pop, Civic, Wow, Huh, Yay, Solos, ABBA, Eevee, Noon, and Tattarrattat.

Phrases that are palindrome examples included in this lesson are: Nurses run, My gym, Taco cat, Top spot, Was it a rat I saw?, Do geese see God? , Never odd or even.

Last week on February 2nd, 2020, that date was a palindrome: 02 / 02 / 2020.

Some people have names that are palindromes: Bob, Hannah, Anna, Sara Baras, Robert Trebor, Nisio Isin.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned interesting palindromes which will help you to have fun with English. Thank you for watching, “Playful Palindromes: What are Palindromes and English Palindrome Examples!” I hope this English vocabulary lesson will be useful for you as you enjoy wordplay and improve your English. Try using palindrome words in your English writing to have some fun. Good luck with your English studies!

Subscribe for more English lessons just like this every Monday and Friday: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeNsJyugyouジェンの授業?sub_confirmation=1

For more Beginner English Lessons click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

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In addition to palindromes, portmanteau words are also fun. Improve your vocabulary with English portmanteaus here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFPDyL0H_ng


‘Wow! Racecar、kayakとMomに共通するのは、何ですか?
それらは、全て回文の例です。‘Yay’! 今日の英語の授業では両方向同じスペルのものを見る事ができます。

Racecar レースカー, Kayak カヤック, Mom 母、Dad 父、Level レベル、Eye 目、Pop ポップ、Civic 市町の、Wow ワウ、Huh ほー、Yay イエーイ、Solos ソロ、ABBA アバ、Eevee イーブイ, Noon 正午, and Tattarrattat タッタラタット.

Nurses run 看護師走る、My gym私のジム、Taco catタコス猫, Top spot頂点、Was it a rat I saw?それは、私が見たネズミでしたか、 Do geese see God? ガチョウは、神を見ますか?、 Never odd or even 決して奇妙でないか均一でない。


Bob, Hannah, Anna, Sara Baras, Robert Trebor, Nisio Isin。

今日の英語の授業の終りまでに、あなたが英語で楽しむのに役立つ面白い回文を学ぶ事でしょう。“お茶目な回文:回文とは、何か。英語回文の例!”の動画を見てくれて有難うございます。この英語の語彙の授業が、あなたに役立つと同時に言葉の軽妙なやりとりを楽しんであなたの英語が、上達する事を望みます。 楽しむためにあなたの英語で回文語を使用してみてください。

毎週月曜日と金曜日のジェンの授業は、こちらをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeNsJyugyouジェンの授業?sub_confirmation=1
初心者レベルの方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

中上級レベルの方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=

混成語はこちらをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFPDyL0H_ng

#LetsStudyEnglish #JeNsJyugyou #Palindromes
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