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October Skincare and Beauty Favourites | A Model Recommends

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I Love Makeup Video: http://youtu.be/xBsdizx4OvI

Makeup Meet-Up Details: 7th November at Bobbi Brown Studio, 4 East Piazza,
Royal Opera House Colonnade, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 8HD
Please email [email protected] to secure a place.
Lush Ultra Bland Cleanser: https://www.lush.co.uk/products/ultrabland

First Aid Exfoliating Pads: ON SALE at the moment! http://tidd.ly/cc265b4

Una Brennan Tea Flower Mattifying Moisturiser: http://tidd.ly/9d763d61

TimeBomb Powerball Moisturiser: http://tidd.ly/1db187bb

YSL Black Opium: http://tidd.ly/a4b98872

CoLab Dry Shampoo: http://tidd.ly/cf450843

CoLab Giveaway (UK only, so sorry!): http://www.amodelrecommends.com/2014/10/23/colab-dry-shampoo-thank-giveaway/

CoLab product demo on Telegraph: http://fashion.telegraph.co.uk/beauty/news-features/TMG11190439/WATCH-Ruth-Crilly-demos-her-new-CoLab-dry-shampoo.html

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Disclaimer: this post is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate links.
Health & Beauty
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