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'Netflick' & 'What's HBO?' - Should Supremes Know Things?

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"One U.S. Supreme Court justice referred to Netflix as "Netflick." Another seemed not to know that HBO is a cable channel. A third appeared to think most software coding could be tossed off in a mere weekend.
These and other apparent gaffes by the justices during oral arguments have became a source of bemused derision, as tech aficionados, legal experts and others have taken to social media, blogs, YouTube and other outlets to proclaim the justices black-robed techno-fogeys.

"Everyone who's anyone inside that courtroom is most likely an incompetent Luddite," Sarah Jeong, a 25-year-old Harvard Law School student, wrote on her personal blog following a recent Supreme Court argument dealing with a copyright dispute over TV online startup Aereo. "* Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola (TYT University) and Ben Mankiewicz (Turner Classic Movies) break it down.

*Read more here from Lawrence Hurley / Reuters / Business Insider:
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