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Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles https://goo.gl/BZSTVh and stretch your brain with a set of mystery riddles! These awesome riddles will trick your mind and test your intelligence! Improve your IQ level by solving these vampire puzzles and teasers and share your answers in the comments! Give your brain a great workout and have fun at the same time ;)

00:00 - Hey, I’m Teddy Strong Jr. and this is my Academy, my friends, my professors... I’ll graduate soon and join the Countervampirism Division! If I ace my exams... We work really hard to protect people from vampires and... Oh guys, I’m late for my first exam!

00:20 - This logic puzzle will speed up your thinking!
Imagine... you’ve got to take a super-strong vampire to prison. He’s paralyzed with a spell, but it won’t last long. Plus, the spell’s been known to fail. You have to put him in one of these pods so he doesn’t break free. But he’s got to stay alive as well! At least until the trial... Which one would you use?

01:26 - Test your analytical skills!
Teddy: “Well, that was easy! Hey Mac, what’s this?”
Маc: " A brand new dating app!“
Teddy: “Careful man! Vampires use those dating apps for hunting! You sure you can spot a vampire?”
Vampire or human?

03:11 - Use your logical skills to solve this brain teaser!
Professor: “Your magic exam begins now! Please come in one at a time!”
Professor: “You’re surrounded by vampires! They’re ready to attack. You have three magic scrolls. Each one has a spell on it and you can only use one!”
Professor: “This is for real guys! You have to destroy all the vampires with a single blow. You don’t have any other weapons! What can you do?”

04:42 - Test your detective skills!
Teddy: “One exam to go! It’s criminology. Our teacher is a real detective and he’s real cool!”
Professor: “I have a video for you today. Study the case and answer the question.”
Mr. Simmons is a doctor at a local hospital. It’s a small place so everyone knows each other. One morning he calls the police.
Simmons: “Someone broke in and stole all our donated blood!”
Officer: “Tell me exactly what happened.”
Simmons: “I was the last one working yesterday. It was about 10 pm. I checked the fridge and counted the blood packs. Then I turned on the UV lamps to disinfect the rooms. I closed the doors and left. You know, the usual. In the morning, I saw the empty fridge. And our cameras saw nothing!”
Officer: “Do you suspect anybody?”
Simmons: “I bet my neighbor Mr. Fallen did it! He’s a vampire. And you know... vampires, blood... He must have gotten in through the window at night.”
Officer: “Thanks, I’ll check his alibi.”
Mr. Fallen: “I came to the hospital last night. I hurt my wing. I got in a fight with a vampire hunter, you should have seen him!... They stitched me up and I left. It was about 8 pm.”
The officer realized that something just wasn’t right.
Who’s lying?

07:02 - Boost your attentiveness!
Teddy: We’re vampire hunters, but we don’t arrest innocent vampires!
Teddy: I can’t believe it! We made it to our prom! Awesome! Ooh, fancy silverware!“
Principal: “Dear students! Did you think you could finally relax? This prom is your most serious test yet! There are some specially invited vampires among you. You’ll only graduate if you can spot them all!”
How many vampires can you spot?

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS how many answers you got right!

#mysteryriddles #vampirepuzzles #riddleswithanswers

Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...

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