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My Infertility Story Q&A | Ruth Crilly

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My Infertility Story:

Thanks for watching - I hope that someone out there finds this mildly useful! You can find me at the places below if you fancy watching/reading more:

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My Chinese Medicine practitioner was John Tsagaris: https://johntsagaris.co.uk/treatments/
As I said, I'm no expert on alternative medicines and fertility but if you wanted to read more here are some links. Please do add your own in the comments section if you think they'll be of use!

Interesting article in the Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/04/acupuncture-doubles-chance-of-having-a-baby-with-ivf-study-sugge/

A link to the clinical trial summary regarding acupuncture and IVF success: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02683967

Zita West website: this is a private fertility clinic but they have an excellent Youtube channel with lots of advice and good videos. I didn't ever go there for a consultation, but I looked at the website LOADS and I took her supplements for ages. https://www.zitawest.com/natural-fertility/acupuncture-for-fertility/

The NHS on acupuncture: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/acupuncture/
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