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Mouth-Operated Mouse!

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Not everyone gets the best gaming experience using a mechanical keyboard and RGB mouse; some people have special needs and require alternative, more accessible devices- like the Quadjoy or Quadstick.

Buy Quadjoy on Amazon: http://geni.us/fYJePS

Or check out their site: https://quadjoy.com/

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Intro Screen Music Credit:
Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfxmFU3lWY
iTunes Download Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/supernova/id936805712
Artist Link: https://soundcloud.com/laszlomusic

Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High http://www.youtube.com/approachingnirvana

Sound effects provided by http://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/
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