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Money In Politics, Cenk & Ana Memes, George RR Martin, Corporatist Obama, Net Neutrality

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In this weekly segment, Cenk Uygur () responds to viewer questions from Twitter-- both personal and serious. You can join in by using #askcenk and #tytlive on Twitter!

This week: Where was Cenk this whole week? What's the deal with the MayOne Super PAC? Will limiting money in politics include limiting union money? Cenk & Ana - What does it all meme? Why does What The Flick's review system include decimal points? Will George RR Martin be interviewed on the The Young Turks? How can we get Cenk's dad to tweet along with the show? Was Obama a corporatist before he becomes President? Once money is out of politics, what is the first piece of legislation that should pass? Will the FCC's ruling against net neutrality ruin everything? What's Cenk's favorite SciFi franchise? Where are the tough questions on #Voltramax? Does Cenk use catchphrases in real life?

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