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Meet My Pets: Dexter and the Bear! | A Model Recommends

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Meet my pets: Mr Bear (or Bear, or Mr B) is a British Shorthair cat. I think he's a golden-tipped cream? Or something! He's five in October.
Dexter is a Cockapoo (a cross between - in this case - a miniature poodle and a working cocker spaniel) and he's three in August!

Questions I thought people might ask, that I forgot to address in the video:

Q) How do the dog and cat get on together? Did you have to introduce them in a special way?
A) They get on really well but we introduced them very slowly, first with the puppy in the kitchen for a whole week and then letting them smell each other through a baby gate. We didn't leave them alone, unattended, for a good few months. There were a few little scraps at first, but then we went back to separating them and slowing down the introduction again, and this worked perfectly. They co-exist very peacefully!

Q: how did the pets react to a new baby?
A: again, they all co-exist very well, though the baby isn't walking yet so that could produce new issues! The dog wasn't very jealous, neither was the cat, but I think that perhaps they are particularly laid back animals?!

Any other questions, please ask in the comments!

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