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The reason why I picked this video of Mat Boggs is that it's one of his recent ones and I want to see what his take is on how to build attraction on the first date.

Attraction is not about fun. You have never been attracted to a dude because he was fun. You're attracted to a dude whenever you're afraid to lose him. Now, when a guy likes you, it's automatically fun but to make a guy like you, you got to be a little difficult. Be cold in the beginning and then warm-up.

If you don't like the date, just leave. I get that you want to make it work but sometimes when you try to make it work, the cure becomes worse than the disease. In my opinion, when a conversation is bad when I'm on a date, I just talk less. Don't even try and just pull away even more. Be willing to walk away.

You want to let a guy initiate everything because it'll tell you how he feels about you. Also, get to know a guy with no distractions. Get his raw self outside of distractions and see him in his normal boring form.

I respect Mat Boggs but I just disagree with this video. My respectful take would be this: People don't like knowing what's in your head so when you're on a date with someone, from time to time respond with your face to get the guy insecure and make him work harder. Don't do it all the time though, just do it when he says something that's kind of stupid or a little out there.

Another thing to make the date better is to include silence and speak slower or move slower. As simple as it sounds, it does it. Also, don't laugh and talk too much. Say less than necessary. I know I sound counter-intuitive but less is better when it comes to human interactions. The less you say about yourself, the more mysteries he's gonna have.

I like Mat Boggs' advice but what he's talking about sounds more about the third date or relationship to me which I would agree if it was framed that way.

Here's a link to the article version: https://mindfulattraction.org/blog/2019/8/23/matt-boggs-exposed

Check out my course The Psychological Game of Attraction so you’ll learn all the techniques needed for you to attract a guy. https://dalexis-school.thinkific.com/courses/the-dark-arts-of-attraction
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