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Making Suggestions: How to Make Suggestions in English! / 提案する: どうやって英語で提案をするか。

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The following five sentences each use a different way to make a suggestion naturally in English: Let’s study English! Why don’t you watch this video? Why not subscribe to JeN’s Jyugyou? How about studying with me? Maybe you could learn to make suggestions with this English lesson.

In this lesson you will learn all about these five ways that native English speakers use to make suggestions. The English expressions you learn in today’s grammar lesson will help you easily make suggestions and improve your English. This English lesson will help you to communicate easier and provide you with the tools you need to make suggestions, give advice, and share recommendations. It’s time to learn how to make suggestions in English!

You will learn how to make suggestions using:
1) Let’s + base verb + object. / Let’s not + base verb + object.
2) Why don’t / Why doesn’t + subject + base verb + object?
3) Why not + base verb + object?
4) How about + gerund + object? / How about + noun?
5) Subject + Could + base verb + object.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned five useful ways to make suggestions like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “Making Suggestions: How to Make Suggestions in English!” I hope this lesson all about making suggestions will be helpful for you as you improve your English and share your suggestions with others. Good luck with your English studies!

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提案する: どうやって英語で提案をするか。

次の五つの文を英語で自然に異なる方法で提案する: 英語を勉強しよう。ビデオを見てみませんか。ジェンの授業をチャンネル登録しましょう。私と共に勉強するのはどうでしょうか。この英語の授業で提案するのを学びませんか。

この英語の授業は、貴方が情報を伝え合いやすくなる手助けをし、貴方が 必要なもの,提案やアドバイス等を与えます。どうやって英語で提案をするかを学びましょう。

"提案する: どうやって英語で提案するか"。の動画をみてくれてありがとうございます。提案する事についてのこの授業が,貴方の英語を上達させるのと同時に他の人への提案や推薦等をするのに役立てれば良いと思います。英語の勉強がんばってね。



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