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Live TV Interviews That Went Hilariously Wrong

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Live TV means things can go wrong in real time, and people get to enjoy the car crash from their couch. While most shows are pre-taped and bumps smoothed out in the editing room, live interviews that go pear-shaped still happen. Here are live TV interviews that went hilariously wrong.

Wendy Burch, a reporter for KTLA Morning News, set out early one Fourth of July, wearing a cheery red and white shirt, with her blonde hair gleaming in the sun. Her assignment that morning was to cover the Ironman Competition in Hermosa Beach and, according to a piece she wrote for Huffington Post in 2017, she was excited to spend a few hours of her workday out in the sun.

As she details in her post, The Hermosa Beach Ironman motto is: "Run, Paddle, Chug!" That was the first red flag that this assignment might be a bit more lively than she'd originally imagined. After each athlete in the competition ran, and then swam, a full mile, they returned to the beach to chug not one beer, not two, but a full six-pack. And Wendy, standing by to interview a few participants, got right in the mix... literally.

As the participants exalted in their drunken revelry, Burch pulled one guy aside for a live interview, not realizing he had a literal bullseye with the words "puke here" written on his back in marker. The interview started off smoothly enough, until another man enters the shot and throws up his daily intake of beer and breakfast all over the guy she's interviewing.

A good amount splashes off of the man, who got his wish fulfilled that day, to be sure, and lands on Wendy, sealing her in internet viral video stardom forever.

Watch the video to see more live TV interviews that went hilariously wrong!

#TVInterviews #ZombieKid #Interviews

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Nancy Grace's live revelation | 5:32
Nothing wrong with turtles | 6:40
At least he's passionate | 7:42
The kid's sketchy | 8:33
There's something on your face | 9:21

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/183505/live-tv-interviews-that-went-hilariously-wrong/
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