My Korean friend invited me over to see his new house last week in Korea. It was great...he built it himself. It's a good thing he built it with extra rooms, too! While I was there, the craziest thing happened! We were enjoying a hot cup of Korean tea, when we heard a knock at the door. When he opened the door his brothers came rushing inside, crying and screaming in Korean about a wolf! Apparently, they had all built houses next door to each other in Korea. However, their homes couldn't withstand the big, bad Korean wolf that was going door-to-door knocking down the homes of unsuspecting Korean people! Luckily, my friend is quite the Korean artisan've heard this story? But, how? Strangely, I don't think it even made the news in Korea!Learning Korean with is the most fun and effective way to learn Korean! This Korean Video Tales lesson is a fantastic way to practice your Korean speaking and comprehension skills by listening to your favorite old stories...with a Korean twist! These stories are told completely in Korean! Visit us at KoreanClass101 where you can get more great Korean lessons and Korean learning materials to accompany this lesson! Leave us a message while you are there!
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