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John McCain Cranks Up The Fear Machine On Bowe Bergdahl

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"Is Sen. John McCain a flip-flopper? Did he support a trade of five Taliban fighters for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl back in February, only to turn around and denounce it once the deal was made?

The Fact Checker began looking into this issue earlier this week, and the McCain team has been pushing back hard. Spokesman Brian Rogers issued a statement accusing the media of "selectively" quoting McCain, while McCain himself went on CNN's "The Lead" on Thursday to defend himself after host Jake Tapper highlighted his contradictory statements the day before. McCain focused on the fact that his support was dependent on "the details." "* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Glenn Kessler / The Washington Post:
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