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Is it a hookup or a relationship? - IMO Ep. 385

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How do you know if the person you like wants a relationship or just to hookup? The ladies talk about how they know if a guy is in it for the long haul or just a fun fling. Taryn Southern brings up the idea that if a guy does not put a noticable effort into the relationship then it is probably a hookup. But Lauren Elizabeth makes a point in asking whether or not it is acceptable for a girl to continue a hookup. What do you think is a guys way of showing he does or does not want a relationship?

→ Credits ←
Special Guest Taryn Southern! - http://www.youtube.com/TarynSouthern
Lauren Elizabeth - http://www.youtube.com/lovelaurenelizabeth
Meaghan Dowling - http://www.youtube.com/TeenThingsTV
Meghan Rosette - http://www.youtube.com/meghanrosette
Arden Rose - http://www.youtube.com/arose186


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Music provided by Extreme Music.
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