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If You Can Answer These Riddles You Will Be Millionaire!

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Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles https://goo.gl/BZSTVh and try to solve these mind-blowing riddles! These tricky brain games and puzzles will not just warm up your brain but also exercise it well. They are perfect for improving your memory, vision, and logical skills. So, check them out and leave your answers in the comments:

00:00 - Wake up your brain with this tricky riddle! Liam wants to make his own mobile app. He put together a dream team. But... They really need a new office... And a new designer! Liam met with an investor...A rich one! What’s this...Whoops! No time to fix it... The meeting’s about to start! Sweet!... a gas station! Who should he ask for a ride?

01:00 - Test your critical thinking! Liam rocked the meeting. Now he needed someone to draw up a contract. Who should Liam trust?

01:51 - Test your attentiveness and logic! Liam rented a new office. Now he needed a designer. Let’s look at some CVs. Liam hates liars! So who should he hire?

03:03 - This logic riddle will boost your brain to the max! Liam went on a business trip. Wait... WHERE. ARE. THE. DOCS...? Liam suspected 3 workers. Ginny, tester: “I came in late yesterday... My car ran out of gas.”
Lucy, accountant: “I was at the morning meeting... Then I worked in my office.”
Cindy, cleaner: “I was so sick yesterday, stayed home in bed.”
Who lied?

03:45 - Increase your IQ with the next brainy puzzle! Mark’s super talented, but a bit...weird? He didn’t show up for work one day... Come on, Mark, pick up! The team really needed his data, but no one knew his password. Hmm... A note with a hint... OK! Let’s see how smart you are! You need to right all Pi digits backwards. That’s the password! It worked! Can you guess the password?

04:41 - Test your detective skills! Someone attacked Liam’s HR manager. Liam locked down the building... The cops were miles away. Time for Liam to solve the crime himself!
Carla, “I’d never do anything like that...But yeah, I was angry with him... He made me wait for my interview for ages...I was soaked from the rain, got a cold....”
Craig, “I was working...didn’t see anything.”
Simon, “I rode my bike over to a cafe, just got back.”
Who attacked the HR manager?

06:09 - This tricky brain teaser will speed up your thinking! The company was doing well.
Investor, “I’m bankrupt...sorry guys, no more money!”
What a crappy day...Liam needs to see his best friend.
Liam’s friend: “This rich businessman visits my coffee shop on Saturdays. No one recognizes him...he’s not on insta or anything. Come and introduce yourself!”
Liam showed up on Saturday. There were 3 men. Which one’s the billionaire?

07:28 - The billionaire liked Liam, and loved his app! He made Liam 2 offers:
· Invest in Liam’s startup
· Buy the app for $5 million.
What should Liam do?


#trickyriddles #logicriddles #boostyourIQ

Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...

Stock materials (photos, footages and other):



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