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Learn more about why Equinix is the world's digital infrastructure company at: https://eqix.it/3YQu7xb

When Equinix offered to give us complete access to one of their industry-leading data centers in Toronto, we leapt at the opportunity to take you on an exclusive behind the scenes tour inside the cloud!

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0:00 Intro
0:50 The building
2:00 What's the big deal
3:22 The fifth floor
6:00 Chill
9:15 How lightspeed works
10:52 The fourth floor and the cages
14:11 Equidistant trading
15:03 The second floor
16:50 The newest floor
19:50 The basement
21:08 Feeling loopy
22:31 There was so much more
equinix, data center, watercooled
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