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How to Use Sometimes vs Sometime vs Some Time!

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Becoming fluent in English takes SOME TIME, but if you study English SOMETIMES, you’ll see improvement SOMETIME. Did you know that sometimes, sometime and some time have very different meanings in English? Sometimes, sometime, and some time are commonly confused words in English, but by the end of today’s English lesson you will be able to use these words naturally and correctly in English.

How to use Sometimes: Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. It talks about how often an action happens or how often you do an action. Sometimes has the same meaning as occasionally or not very often.
Ex: I go bowling sometimes, but not very often.

How to use Sometime: Sometime is an adverb. It refers to a specific point in time, but a point in time which is unknown or unstated. Sometime is used to talk about a point in the future or possibly a point in the past.
Ex: You should come to Canada sometime.

How to use Some Time: Some time means an unspecified span of time, a certain time period, a long duration of time. If we want to say that something happened for a long time, we can say that it happened for some time.
Ex: It takes some time to become fluent in English, so don’t give up.

Timestamps for Sometimes vs Sometime vs Some Time:
0:00 Introduction to Sometimes, Sometime, and Some Time
0:30 How to use Sometimes
1:21 How to use Sometime
2:18 How to use Some Time
3:20 Summary + Question of the Day

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned the differences between sometimes, sometime, and some time which will help you to sound more like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “How to Use Sometimes vs Sometime vs Some Time!” I hope this English vocabulary and English grammar lesson will be useful for you as you choose between sometimes or sometime or some time. Try to use these words in your next English conversation to increase your English fluency. Good luck with your English studies!

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For Intermediate - Advanced English Lessons click here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

Adverbs of Frequency: https://youtu.be/D1rpq-i5nQ4

Some vs Any vs None: https://youtu.be/VN6dgSHELhg

Look forward to VS Can’t wait: https://youtu.be/mfIti3GH8gc

Few vs A Few vs Little vs A Little: https://youtu.be/SYndwLTdG8U

Used To vs Use To vs Be Used To: https://youtu.be/YvOQQf71KT8

???? English Grammar Textbooks:

Beginner Grammar - Focus on Grammar 1: https://amzn.to/39xxuBj
Upper-beginner Grammar - Focus on Grammar 2: https://amzn.to/2JBRYOu
* Intermediate Grammar - Focus on Grammar 3 : https://amzn.to/33FXS8q
Upper-intermediate Grammar - Focus on Grammar 4 : https://amzn.to/36zD18F
Advanced Grammar - Focus on Grammar 5 : https://amzn.to/3mKXzAo

???? English Vocabulary Textbooks:

English Vocabulary in Use Beginner: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/37szkRo
English Vocabulary in Use Upper- Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1

Sometimeを使用する方法:Sometimesは頻度の副詞です。アクションが発生する頻度、またはアクションを実行する頻度について説明します。Sometimesは、occasionally またはnot very oftenと同じ意味を持つことがあります。


Some Timeの使い方:Some Timeとは、不特定の期間、特定の期間、長い期間を意味します。何かが長い間起こったと言いたいのなら、それはしばらくの間起こったと言うことができます。

今日の英語の授業の終わりまでに、あなたはsometimes, sometimeとsome timeの間の違いを学び、ネイティブの英語話者のように聞こえるようになります。 “How to Use Sometimes vs Sometime vs Some Time!” の動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます。この英語の語彙と英文法の授業が、sometimesまたはsometimeまたはsome time.を選択するときに役立つことを願っています。次の英会話でこれらの単語を使用して、英語の流暢さを高めてください。英語の勉強頑張ってください!



初心者レベルの方は、ここをクリック : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

中上級レベルの方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

頻度を表す副詞: https://youtu.be/D1rpq-i5nQ4

Some vs Any vs None: https://youtu.be/VN6dgSHELhg

Look forward to VS Can’t wait: https://youtu.be/mfIti3GH8gc

Few vs A Few vs Little vs A Little: https://youtu.be/SYndwLTdG8U

Used To vs Use To vs Be Used To: https://youtu.be/YvOQQf71KT8


???? 素晴らしい英語のテキストブックーFocus on Grammar

初心者向けの文法: https://amzn.to/39xxuBj
初級文法: https://amzn.to/2JBRYOu
中級文法: https://amzn.to/33FXS8q
中上級文法: https://amzn.to/36zD18F
上級文法: https://amzn.to/3mKXzAo

???? 英語の語彙のテキストブック

初心者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
中上級者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
上級者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1

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English, 英語, Sometimes vs Sometime vs Some Time
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