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He's Losing Interest Due To The Pandemic, What Should I Do?

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Is your relationship fizzling out because of the pandemic? Learn why men pull away: https://secret.sexyconfidence.com/pull-away/

If you're like most women in this community, you are probably going just a little bit stir crazy with this whole pandemic. If you're like me, your hair is getting a little too long. And worse off, if you're single and you were talking to a guy before this whole pandemic thing broke out, you're probably starting to get a little concerned that things are starting to fizzle out with that guy.

Tip number one is to not invest too much emotionally in someone that you've just started dating, or certainly someone that you haven't even met yet. One of the biggest mistakes that all of us make early on when we start talking to someone, or certainly when we start dating someone, is to fall in love with the idea of someone rather than the reality of who that person is. And what I'm finding is that a lot of you right now because of the pandemic are relying on online dating or chat or texting to be able to connect with other people. And what it does is creates this inflated idea of who that person is, and it sets the wrong expectation of who that person is when you finally meet them in real life. The best thing you can do is temper your emotions.

Tip number two is, please, whatever you do, don't chase him. We as humans have a natural tendency where if someone starts to pull away a little bit or things start to slow down a relationship, we tend to want to close that gap, to keep that space the same as it always was. But I want you to fight this instinct. Realize that right now, especially during this pandemic; it's going to feel like there's this enormous space between you and whoever it is that you're talking to. And that's just the reality of life right now. And what I want you to avoid is making that mistake of chasing him and trying to talk to him every single day and text him and call him and FaceTime him and Zoom him and so that he feels almost suffocated, even though he's not even able to see you at all right now.

Tip number three have him make an investment in you. Now I don't mean a financial investment. I mean an effort investment. If you're finding right now, for example, you're always texting with each other, then tell him to give you a call later that night or maybe tomorrow when you're available. By the very act of him having to actually pick up the phone and give you a call or even FaceTime you, suddenly now that is a step up in investment. He's more invested in the relationship. And what we found, and through human psychology, the more people invest in anything, whether it's their time, energy, or resources, into something, the more they value that thing.

Tip number four is to remember that this dude that you're talking to, he's not going anywhere. And he's not meeting lots of other women right now. Everyone single right now is struggling. Everyone single right now is starving for connection. But we're not able to create that connection due to social distancing. So remember that he's probably going through a lot of the pains and frustrations that you're going through. And then once we get over the hump of this thing, there's going to be this rubber band effect where everyone is going to start going out, meeting each other once again. He's going to want to see you; you're going to want to see him. And you're finally going to have that opportunity to create that real connection in real life.

Tip number five, and this is always the case, but it's an important reminder, and that is always to keep your options open. If you're not in a committed relationship with this guy, then you should be talking to other guys, you should be keeping your online dating profile available, and entertaining any potential options because you're not committed to this guy, and he's not committed to you.

Since we all have a lot of time on our hands right now, and you want to learn the three biggest dating mistakes that make men pull away, I have a free training. It's called "Why Men Pull Away." It's a webinar. I'd love for you to join. I'll leave a link in the description or my bio or anywhere on this screen: https://secret.sexyconfidence.com/pull-away/
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