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Guinness World Records You Could Easily Beat

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There are many easy ways to set a Guinness world record without having to spend years perfecting some unique skill. In fact, a few records are little more than party tricks or simple feats of endurance. Set aside some time for practice, and you could be the next record holder.

On July 12, 2015, Silvio Sabba found a use for 247 of those old, obsolete data holders. In Milan, Italy, Sabba balanced 247 compact discs atop a single powerful finger.

To beat Sabba, you'll have to do exactly what Sabba did, and with an extra disc to boot. You'll need to hold your finger straight out, parallel to the floor, and place those discs on top of each other, forming a tower of CDs.

The main preparations for trying to achieve this record? Working on balance, building up forearm strength for almost 9 pounds of plastic, and finding that many compact discs in this day and age.

Watch the video for more Guinness World Records You Could Easily Beat!

#Guinness #WorldRecord

Most CDs balanced on finger | 0:15
Most T-shirts worn at once | 0:55
Most eggs cracked one-handed | 1:33
Fastest window cleaning | 2:17
Fastest jam donut consumption | 3:04
Longest Space Invaders marathon | 3:38
Fastest advent calendar chocolate consumption | 4:15
Longest baked beans bath | 5:14

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/42605/guinness-world-records-easily-beat/
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