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Hey guys Bill here, I came across a whole bunch of funny videos the other day about a goat going crazy in the streets of Brazil. Oddly enough it all happened in front of a prison in little town called Londrina….


This crazy billy goat escaped a nearby farm and as the footage shows, started charging everybody it came across.

Nobody knows why the goat was so angry, but maybe it had something to do with the left over prison food he had been eating out back. Who knows?

The one thing that struck me was how many people recorded the event on their phones… There were even edits between somebody recording from inside a car and somebody with a phone outside.

The only thing they didn’t do was tie a gopro to it’s back - like they do in the videos starring Angry Ram! I left a link to them in the description box just below the like button.

The woman who was knocked down by the goat got on the news -- She said the goat scared the shit out of her. But she was also shocked how uncoordinated the man was who came to her rescue.

In the end, an older gentleman got fed up with all the nonsense and lassoed the goat after which he returned it back to the farm.

and that my friends brings me to the question of the day. What is the best way to protect yourself when being charged by an animals with horns. Give me your best advice in the comment section below.
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