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Giving Compliments: How to Compliment someone in English! 20 English Idioms to Praise people ????

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When you want to say something nice to someone, what English expressions can you use? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to compliment someone in English. Get ready to learn more than 20 idioms for complimenting people!

Use the idioms in this lesson if you want to tell someone that they are wonderful or awesome. The following 20 English expressions for praising someone that are taught in this complimenting vocabulary lesson include:
1. Rock - You rock
2. Rule - You rule
3. The bomb - You’re the bomb
4. Out of this world - You’re out of this world
5. Nail - You nailed it
6. One of a kind - You’re one of a kind
7. One in a million - You’re one in a million
8. Knocks your socks off - You knock my socks off
9. First rate - You’re first rate
10. Top notch - You’re top notch
11. Puts to shame - (Your + noun + puts others to shame) Your cooking puts others to shame
12. Lightyears ahead - You’re lightyears ahead of the competition
13. Cream of the crop - You’re the cream of the crop
14. On the ball - You’re on the ball
15. Head and shoulders above - You’re head and shoulders above the rest
16. Have a good head on your shoulders - You have a good head on your shoulders
17. Brings out the best in others - You bring out the best in others
18. Have a way with + noun - You have a way with words
19. Have a green thumb - You have a green thumb
20. Have a great sense of - You have a great sense of fashion

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned how to compliment someone. These English idioms for complimenting people will help you to speak English more like a native English speaker and flatter others. Praise people and show your admiration in English with these helpful English idioms! Don’t forget to follow the pronunciation and grammar tips to sound more natural when speaking English. Thanks for watching, “Giving Compliments: How to Compliment someone in English! 20 English Idioms to Praise people.” I hope this idiom lesson will be useful for you as you improve your English and increase your English fluency. Good luck with your English studies!

How to Encourage someone in English: https://youtu.be/Eg8vDOEhjVY

Ways to say Beautiful in English: https://youtu.be/pW-dI1NL4lc

English Idioms: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8VhOg0nycIj7RI-e0lQhTg

Beginner English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

Intermediate - Advanced English Lessons: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs


???? Excellent English Textbooks:

English Phrasal Verbs in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3lzn3j4
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3mPjHK0

English Vocabulary in Use Beginner: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/37szkRo
English Vocabulary in Use Upper- Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1

English Collocations in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3qqfUFw
English Collocations in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/2JlZhKt

English Idioms Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2YRBWHB
English Idioms Advanced: https://amzn.to/3BPCEnG

Business Vocabulary Intermediate: https://amzn.to/3GbFgPt
Business Vocabulary Advanced: https://amzn.to/3MJts9S



誰かに何かいいことを言いたいとき、どんな英語表現が使えますか?この授業では、英語で誰かを褒める方法を学びます。人を褒めるための 20 以上のイディオムを学ぶ準備をしましょう。

誰かに素晴らしいと伝えたいならば、この授業のイディオムを使用してください。誰かを褒めるときの次の 20 の英語表現は次のとおりです。

1. Rock - You rock
2. Rule - You rule
3. The bomb - You’re the bomb
4. Out of this world - You’re out of this world
5. Nail - You nailed it
6. One of a kind - You’re one of a kind
7. One in a million - You’re one in a million
8. Knocks your socks off - You knock my socks off
9. First rate - You’re first rate
10. Top notch - You’re top notch
11. Puts to shame - (Your + noun + puts others to shame) Your cooking puts others to shame
12. Lightyears ahead - You’re lightyears ahead of the competition
13. Cream of the crop - You’re the cream of the crop
14. On the ball - You’re on the ball
15. Head and shoulders above - You’re head and shoulders above the rest
16. Have a good head on your shoulders - You have a good head on your shoulders
17. Brings out the best in others - You bring out the best in others
18. Have a way with + noun - You have a way with words
19. Have a green thumb - You have a green thumb
20. Have a great sense of - You have a great sense of fashion

今日の英語の授業が終わるまでに、あなたは誰かを褒める方法を学びます。人を褒めるためのこれらの英語のイディオムは、ネイティブスピーカーのように英語を話し、他の人を褒めるのに役立ちます。これらの役に立つ英語のイディオムを使って、英語で人を褒め、称賛の気持ちを表しましょう。英語を話すときにより自然に聞こえるように、発音と文法のヒントに従うことを忘れないでください。 “Giving Compliments: How to Compliment someone in English! 20 English Idioms to Praise people.”の動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます。このイディオムの授業があなたの英語力を向上させ、英語の流暢さを向上させるのに役立つことを願っています。英語の勉強頑張ってください! 

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English, 英語, 英語イディオム
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