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Accelerate your brain with a set of new riddles! These brain games will force your brain to work! Try to give the right answers to these riddles as fast as possible. If you can't concentrate and feel exhausted all the time try to solve tricky riddles at least for 20 minutes a day and after a few weeks you will notice changes in your critical thinking and logical skills!

01:39 - Warm up your logic and try to make the right choice! Nina: “Let’s start off with something easy. Go to the ’Crazy fox’ bar. Find Redhead Todd and give him this chip. Walk through this forest...head north, you can’t get lost.”

Rid: “Oh, I love these kind of instructions...I’ve been walking for half an hour... The GPS says all these paths lead to the bar at the edge of the forest. What’s this? It looks like a dangerous trap on each road. Still, I have to choose one...”

Which way is safer?

03:13 - It's time to test your vision and boost your IQ! Rid: “H-hello, madam!”

Rid: “Here’s the bar!” “Pretty easy to spot Redhead Todd... Hey Mr. Todd, this is from Nina!”

Todd: “Thank you, young adventurer! Wanna earn a little extra?”

Rid: “For sure!”

Todd: “I had a fight with the forest witch, she hates men! She gave me a riddle. If I don’t solve it by morning, she’ll take my only daughter! Look at these symbols...what do they mean?”

Can you read this?

05:14 - Use your logic and detective skills to solve this hard riddle! Rid: “Good thing I have GPS or I would be totally lost! Oh no, I have to get past the outlaws! I don’t have weapons, money... ”

Old man: “Adventurer! Someone stole something of mine. Something valuable! I’m sure one of my family members did it. Help me find the thief and I’ll reward you!”

Rid: “This must be a quest, so I guess I gotta help...”

Old man: “Someone stole my magic forge hammer. It keeps me alive. Without it, I’ll die soon. It was one of my family members. There’s my son’s wife, my uncle, and my younger brother. I used to keep it here. It was so heavy it even damaged the floor.

Let me get my family...”

Who stole the hammer?

07:40 - Another logic riddle to increase your IQ!

Old man: “You’re a kind girl, thank you! I have no money, but I’m a great blacksmith. I’ll give you this sword!”

Rid: “Wow, feels like I’ve used it my whole life!”

Old man: “Now head west, no one can hurt you there.”

Rid: “Wait. I heard something...The outlaws must be nearby. I’ll climb a tree and check it out.”

I don’t want to hurt anyone, Even though they’re just NPC... (or programs). I should attack their boss! It’ll scare off the others.

But who’s the boss?

09:29 - The last puzzle to boost your brain to the max! Rid: It’s time to face the boss! Hope it’s not Diablo... this way!‘ ‘It’ll be really sticky’ Rid: “Sticky? What does that mean? Slime? Yuck!”

Rid: “Whoa! What’s this? Hope he’s not that tough... Really stuck! I can’t get my sword! What do I do?“

TELL me IN THE COMMENTS which riddle was the most difficult for you to solve?

#newriddles #accelerateyourbrain #logicriddles

Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles: https://goo.gl/BZSTVh

Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Music: Youtube Library https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/...

Stock materials (photos, footages and other):



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