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Frogs In Rain 01 Stock Footage

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American green tree frogs are found in the central and southeastern United States, with a geographic range from the Eastern Shore of Virginia to southeast Florida, with populations as far west as central Texas, and as far north as Maryland and Delaware.[1] The frogs are considered monotypic, but clinal variation has been observed from Florida north along the Atlantic coastal plain. They prefer habitats with plentiful floating vegetation, grasses, and cattails and are often found in "small ponds, large lakes, marshes, and streams also can be found at night in a backyard swimming pool.
American green tree frogs are insectivores, usually consuming flies, mosquitoes, and other small insects such as crickets. One study suggested the frog selects prey not by its size, but according to its activity level, with the most active prey being the most frequently eaten. The same study showed "nearly 90% of Hyla cinerea prey were actively pursued," with the other 10% being "insects walking or close enough to be snatched up by the frog's tongue. frogs in rain was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in 2017.
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