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Apprendre Francais lecon lecons cours vocabulaire anglais la musique noms instruments musicaux prononciation
Aprende frances leccion vocabulario ingles la musica instrumentos nombres pronunciacion
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Learn French lesson lessons vocabulary english music musical instruments names pronunciation
Apprendre Francais lecon lecons cours vocabulaire anglais la musique noms instruments musicaux prononciation
Aprende frances leccion vocabulario ingles la musica instrumentos nombres pronunciacion
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French Lesson 34 - Les vêtements (CLOTHING - CLOTHES VOCABULARY)
by lily 660 Views -
French Lesson 112 - Nature Landscapes Vocabulary - Paysages Vocabulaire
by lily 640 Views -
French Lesson 36 - Les transports vocabulaire (Transport transportation travel vocabulary)
by lily 762 Views -
French Lesson 30 - BODY VOCABULARY - Le visage (Parts of the head and face)
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French Lesson 115 - Tools Vocabulary - Les outils Vocabulaire - Las herramientas Vocabulario
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French Lesson 121 - Parts of the car - Vocabulary - Parties Pièces d'une voiture Vocabulaire
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French Lesson 116 - Babies Vocabulary - Les bébés Vocabulaire
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French Lesson 31 - BODY VOCABULARY - Les doigts de la main (Finger names)
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French Lesson 33 - BODY PARTS VOCABULARY - Les parties du corps
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French Lesson 17 - Vocabulaire - Les cinq sens (The five senses vocabulary) Lecciones de Frances
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French Lesson 118 - Religion Vocabulary - La religion Vocabulaire
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French Lesson 23 - FOOD VOCABULARY - LES FRUITS Vocabulaire Lecciones De Frances
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French Lesson 88 - Pieces of Furniture - Les meubles - House Household Vocabulary
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French Lesson 29 - FOOD VOCABULARY - HERBES ETÉPICES (Herbs And Spices)
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French Lesson 24 - FOOD VOCABULARY - LES REPAS de la journée (Meals of the day)
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French Lesson 26 - FOOD VOCABULARY - LES BOISSONS (Drinks) Lecciones de Frances
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French Lesson 25 - FOOD VOCABULARY - LES LÉGUMES Vocabulaire (Vegetables) Lecciones de Frances
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French Lesson 40 - Les fournitures scolaires (School stationery / supplies vocabulary)
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French Lesson 117 - Games Vocabulary Board Games - Les jeux Vocabulaire Les jeux de société
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French Lesson 17 - Vocabulaire - Les cinq sens (The five senses vocabulary) Lecciones de Frances
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French Lesson 120 - Law and order - Justice - Vocabulary - L'ordre public La loi Vocabulaire
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French Lesson 27 - FOOD VOCABULARY - LES PRODUITS LAITIERS (Dairy products)
by lily 700 Views -
French Lesson 39 - Les matières scolaires (School subjects vocabulary)
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French Lesson 89 - Household Appliances - Les appareilsélectroménagers - House Vocabulary
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