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Fracking Fire Lasts Days But Free Pizza Makes It All Better

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"A Chevron well in the preparation stages for hydraulic fracturing exploded last Tuesday 50 miles south of Pittsburgh, Penn., causing a fire that lasted for four days and left one Chevron contractor unaccounted for and another one injured.

The fire is now out, but Chevron's damage control efforts may be far from over.

An image of a coupon from Chevron offering free pizza to residents near last week's disaster was posted online Monday, prompting outrage, mockery and disbelief among activists and the Internet commentariat. They say the offer shows Chevron lacks awareness of the seriousness of its actions and indicates a larger problem of oil and gas companies buying support in communities where hydraulic fracturing — the practice in which thousands of gallons of water mixed with chemicals are pumped into deeply drilled wells to break up naturally occurring oil and gas formations — is on the rise."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from Peter Moskowitz / Al Jazeera America:
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