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First Genitals, Then Threesomes, Warns Fox's Dr. Evil

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"Is there something stupid happening in the world? Fox News and "Dr." Keith Ablow are ON IT. We first learned of the terrible horrible no good very bad tiny cartoon genitals of It's Perfectly Normal from the perfectly normal Victoria Jackson. Then Ben Shapiro's Internet Home for the Congenitally Encephalitic, TruthRevolt, got in on the tiny naked cartoon action. Now, some ladies plus Dr. Keith Ablow — who thinks having a doll will make William gay — are all atitter, because seeing tiny cartoon genitals (not to mention interracial cartoon love) will have 10-year-olds clamoring for threesomes."* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University) and Bree Essrig (Pop Trigger) break it down.

*Read more here from Rebecca Schoenkopf / Wonkette:
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