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Enjoy the NEW Weather Forecast on English Club TV

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Get the latest world weather forecast on English Club TV.
Each weather forecast features one of six regions: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Africa, The Americas, Asia and Oceania, Middle East and Central Asia.
Watching the programme viewers can not only find out what the weather will be like where they live, but also learn some useful vocabulary and raise their awareness of geography.
By watching the Weather Forecast viewers can learn:
- some basic vocabulary to talk about the weather;
- the names of countries and capital cities and even how to pronounce them correctly;
- some useful proverbs associated with the weather.
The Weather Forecast is suitable for viewers of all levels. It uses clear and simple symbols to describe the weather and is very useful for learning weather-related words and phrases. Moreover, viewers can practise the pronunciations of countries and their capitals while watching the Weather Forecast.
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