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Daredevils Smash World Record For Most Women In Vertical Skydive

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Daredevils Smash World Record For Most Women In Vertical Skydive


FOUR daredevil British women have helped to break a new world record for the largest ever female vertical skydive. Laura Kenyon, Liz Boniface, Catriona Adam and Weed Stoodley, from the British Parachute Association, joined 59 others for the stunt in Eloy, Arizona, yesterday. Breath-taking pictures, by photographer Norman Kent, show the team leaping head first out of a plane at 18,500 feet and plummeting to the ground at 170 miles per hour. The incredible feat smashes the current record of 41 women in a vertical skydive.

Videographer/Director: Norman Kent
Producer: Hannah Mouland
Editor: Joshua Douglas
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