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Can You Solve A Crime By Noticing 1 Detail? 15 Easy Riddles

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Boost your brain power with a set of 15 easy riddles! These puzzles will blow your mind immediately! Try to concentrate while solving these tricky brain games cause discipline helps deal with tasks faster. So use all your brain power and logic to crack these riddles, and you will come up with the right answers very fast!

00:14 - A set of mind-blowing spy tricks for adults and kids! No matter if you're going to spy on your colleagues or schoolmates or just amuse your friends at a party, you should watch and learn these cool tricks! Look like magic, huh?
01:21 - A logic riddle only for professional solves. If your IQ is 150+, you will definitely spot what's wrong here. if not, you should try more riddles to sharpen your mind
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