The bull shark, also known as the Zambezi shark in Africa, is found worldwide in warm, shallow waters along coasts but they also thrive in freshwater rivers. Since bull sharks often dwell in very shallow waters, they may be more dangerous to humans than any other species of shark and along with the tiger shark, oceanic whitetip, and the great white shark, bull sharks are among the four shark species most likely to attack humans. In fact, they are responsible for many shark attacks occurring around the Sydney Harbor inlets, mistakenly, most of these attacks were previously attributed to great white sharks.
Bull sharks prefers coastal water which is less than 100 feet in depth. This is mostly due to their feeding patterns since they prefer to hunt in murky waters. This is also a problem since this gives the most interaction with humans. It is known that bull sharks inhabit areas off the coast of Florida, and there have been reports of bull sharks getting close enough to the coast to attack humans since the bull shark is known for being territorial and its aggressive nature. Bull sharks were filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro near Bimini Island in 2014.
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