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Bingo & More Animal Rhymes For Children | 42 Minutes Popular Nursery Rhymes For Kids

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Enjoy back to back popular and famous nursery rhymes like Bingo, Mary had a Little Lamb, Incy Wincy and many more classic animal rhymes and songs only on Peekaboo Kids.

The compilation includes:

00:05 - Bingo
02:48 - Mary had a little lamb
05:22 - Incy Wincy Spider
06:36 - Baa Baa Black Sheep
07:34 - Old MacDonald
10:44 - Five little Monkeys
12:17 - Elephant Song
14:10 - Lion Song
16:09 - Butterfly Song
17:45 - Naughty Monkey
19:38 - Five little Dubby Dubs
21:11 - Yankee Doodle
22:50 - Hickory Dickory
25:37 - Wheels on the Bus
28:20 - Humpty Dumpty
30:09 - Farmer in the Dell
32:15 - Hokey Pokey
34:31 - Chubby Cheeks
36:06 - I am a little Teapot
37:36 - Jack and Jill
38:31 - Row Row Row Your Boat

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Animation: Bombay Design House
Creative Team (Rajshri): Alisha Baghel, Sreejoni Nag
Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights and Publishing: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited
All rights reserved.

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