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Best Friends Animal Society celebrates Dog Breed Independence Day is South Dakota

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On July 1, 2014, Best Friends Animal Society united Representative Peggy Gibson (and other South Dakota legislators), Ray, an adopted "Victory" dog, and a patriotic group of pit bull terriers on the steps of the state capitol in Pierre to celebrate as SB 75 became law, eliminating breed discrimination.

SB 75 is an enormous victory for dogs and the families who love them. Every American who follows the right safety rules as a responsible dog owner should have the freedom to choose whatever breed of pet dog they want.

Best Friends Animal Society spearheaded efforts to gain passage of SB 75, which was sponsored by Sen. Dan Lederman and Rep. Peggy Gibson, with the goal of protecting of property rights and enhancing community safety in the most effective
way possible. The bill was signed March 14 by Gov. Dennis Daugaard.

Best Friends Animal Society is a national animal welfare organization focused on ending the killing of dogs and cats in America's shelters. An authority and leader in the no-kill movement, Best Friends runs the nation's largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals, as well as lifesaving programs in partnership with rescue groups and shelters across the country. Since its founding in 1984, Best Friends has helped reduce the number of animals killed in shelters nationwide from 17 million per year to about 4 million. Best Friends has the knowledge, technical expertise and on-the-ground network to end the killing and Save Them All®.
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