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Anthony D'Amato: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

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Anthony D'Amato sings and writes in the tradition of Bruce Springsteen or Josh Ritter: His songs sound friendly musically, but they also tackle the difficult and the twisted. Like those great songwriters, D'Amato's work is universal without devolving into moping. There's also a spirit to these songs, as it's easy to imagine a crowd spontaneously backing these his powerful choruses.
His new album The Shipwreck From The Shore can feel Motown-y, garage-y and Springsteen-y, and all that production serves these gems well. But here at my desk, D'Amato's music is more spare, as the four other musicians simply serve the lyrics and the stories they tell. It's a good entry point if you don't know his music. Then, when you do hear the album, an extra treat awaits.
Set List:
"Was A Time"
"Good And Ready"
Producers: Bob Boilen, Maggie Starbard; Audio Engineer: Kevin Wait; Videographers: Maggie Starbard, Nick Michael; Assistant Producer: Claire Eggers; photo by Claire Eggers/NPR
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