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AMC Mail Bag - Rotten Tomatoes VS IMDB, Who Should You Listen To?

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On this installment of AMC Mail Bag (Sunday November 2nd 2014) we take the following viewer emails:
Nick Mwakajumba writes: Why is interstellar doing so well on IMDB but not so much on rottentomatoes? I understand that I should form my own opinion but for now, Which should I give more credibility?
Mateo Rojas Alingué writes: Hey guys, awesome job. I've been listening you for a short period but I'm a fan now. So my question is regarding Batman v Superman. I was checking how much Man of Steel made at the box office and I saw that Guardians of the Galaxy earned like 1M more. So my question, don't you think that WB chose to put that name( Batman v Superman) as a marketing strategy in order to earned a lot more at its release in theaters. Even if Batman is an important character, it is still the sequel for Man of Steel( so why don't something related just to Superman). Thank you guys so much and continue with that great job you do.
Thomas Aguirre writes: Hey guys, great show!!! I watch and listen everyday. I have a question; about a year ago I've started noticing that not only do trailers sometimes give away too much about the movie but also they include scenes that don't end up in the movie itself when it's released in the theater. It kinda really bothers me. Because then I'm expecting to see it in the movie and end up disappointed instead. Why do they do this? Thank you and bring on the filthy!
Eli Belling writes: Hi there, I love the show guys! I listen to every episode on my way to school each morning. I was wondering what the chances of a Scream 5 are? I remember hearing some talk of a tv series a while ago but I haven't heard anything for a while. I felt like the fourth one was setting the series up for several modern films set in the Scream universe and if I remember correctly it did decently at the box office.
Charlie Strickland writes: My question is, do you think / feel that Nintendo is missing out on Hollywood? With their poorly adapted Super Mario Bros. movie back in the early '90's I can understand about having the bitter taste in your mouth from the experience. It is my opinion that as a movie audience, we are ready to see Nintendo try again. I am not certain if they just refuse have one of there franchise characters adapted to cinema or if they feel that it is not worth the risk again.
Phil Kerrigan writes: Hello , was wondering how you felt about the remake of The Raid movies which is without a doubt two of the best movies ever. I am not a big fan of remakes and I am almost positive that the remake of The Raid will not be anywhere as good as the original. With that said some people don't like movies with subtitles ( shocking I know). Do you think The Raid remake will do well ? And be better than the original?
Shane Whoopee: Hi guys love the show, i listen to it at work every day. A guilty pleasure film of mine is speed racer. I thought it was the 2nd best movie of that year behind dark knight and iv just watched it recently and its still great. Why did it not connect with a audience?
Sam Rogers writes: Hey guys love the show, my question concerns dawn of the planet of the apes' Oscars chances. Do you think Andy Serkis and/or Toby Kebbel will be nominated and do you think the movie itself will be nominated. Thanks and bring on the filthy!
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