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Alligator defeats Python 01- Infowars Petition

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Please sign the Infowars Petition (link above).
Thank you and God Bless America!
Today I only post a small fraction of an amazing fight between a large burmese python and a young american alligator, who courageously fought the giant predator in a way I’ve never before. I was certain that the huge python will overpower, kill and feed on the alligator. But I was darn wrong because the young gator simply refused to give up, fought back and finally winning over the giant monster.
This scene reminds me of the amazing radio host Alex Jones of Infowars and their endless battle for Freedom in the US and worldwide. The US Government wants to shut down Infowars and other liberty promoting websites within the next 48 hours.
Therefore, I urge every freedom loving person, please sign the online Petition in the attached link to prevent the shutdown of our only source of non propaganda and honest information in this extremely dangerous time. Please share this video and its message with all your friends and family. Thank you and God Bless America! Alligator Eats Python was filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro in South Florida in 2016.
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