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A Strange Object Recently Visited Our Solar System

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Not long ago, a piece of that unknown came to visit us in the form of a mysterious object from a distant star. And an astronomer noticed something unusual about his discovery. Most asteroids follow a predictable orbit around the sun, but the object he would later dub Oumuamua, was behaving unusually as it darted through space, not too far away from Earth.
Researchers found that, based on 'Oumuamua’s trajectory, the object had originated from somewhere beyond the solar system, and was merely passing through on its way to parts unknown. That’s where it got its name, which translates roughly to “messenger from far away” in Hawaiian. But what is it? Is this enigmatic traveler a natural occurrence, or was it sent here by a distant civilization from across the stars?
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What's so unusual about this object? 1:01
Was it sent by an intelligence from beyond the stars?!
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