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Subscribe to 7-Second Riddles https://goo.gl/BZSTVh and boost your brain with a set of awesome puzzles! This set contains visual puzzles, fun tricks, and brain games that will speed up your thinking and increase your IQ! If you can't concentrate and feel tired, try out these fun puzzles to kick-start your brain! You'll get a huge boost of energy and will be productive for a longer period of time!

00:00 - Warm up your brain with some fun puzzles! Ready for some next-level exercises? Practice these everyday to boost your brain speed...by like 70%! Let’s boost your concentration! 1st challenge! Say the color you see.

02:43 - Test your attentiveness! Time for a memory test! Look at the picture... “What’s different?”

04:46 - These fun tricks will boost your logic! I do this before my finals at school! It’s kinda simple, but it works! Let’s start with your right hand! Press your thumb and index finger together. Hold it tight! Do the same for your other fingers, one by one! Now the same for your left hand. Do this 20 times on each hand when you need your brain to kick into high gear! Or why not make it your everyday brain workout? This trick’ll make you a genius...at least among your friends
Tips & Tricks
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