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10 Ways to Attract a Girl Without Saying a Word

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How to attract a girl? Impressing the girl you like with poetic phrases and compliments isn't the simplest task nowadays. But attraction often happens even before words are even exchanged! And that doesn’t mean you have to be a real macho; you can still make women like you!
Be clean and look presentable 0:50
Consider your style and clothing choices 1:43
Pay close attention to your body language 2:56
Try to be the center of attention 4:10
Take care of your body 4:45
If you have a talent, show it off! 5:28
Smile and make eye contact 6:05
Pay attention to how you treat others 6:52
Always have a task at hand 7:32
Frequent the same place 8:04
- Neat and well-groomed facial hair as well as clean and styled hair will boost your odds of grabbing her attention before you even introduce yourself. Deodorant and cologne are a nice touch.
- Choose clothes that will reflect that vibrant personality of yours! If you're still at a loss as to what that can be, look to celebrities or other famous people for inspiration.
- It's not a problem to change the impression you make if you stay aware of your posture and movements. For example, if you keep your back straight and chin up, it emits self-confidence.
- If you wanna peak her interest, you need to outshine those around you. The thing is that a single person doesn't attract as much attention as a group of people does.
- Being fit is a perfect bonus in the quest for your girl's attention. Whether it’s right or wrong, people of both sexes tend to be more drawn to a person’s who’s physically fit.
- Everybody has something they’re good at or knowledgeable in. You may have great taste in music, cook like a chef, or be an experienced traveler. Use your talents to your advantage.
- Eye contact is just as important. If you meet her eyes, even for a second, you’re basically telling her that you’re interested in getting to know her without actually saying a word.
- Such qualities as politeness and a friendly attitude are still highly valued nowadays. Wherever you are, pay attention to the people you're communicating with.
- It's a good idea to show that you're a focused and committed kind of guy. For most girls, this will be a highly attractive trait.
- If you have a particular lady in mind, try to hang out in the area she frequents. If you’ve noticed that you often meet her in a certain cafe or grocery store, spend more time around those places.
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